How to become a good backend developer in 2023

Muhammad Ibrahim
2 min readDec 8, 2022


Here are some steps to become a good back-end engineer in 2023:

become a good back-end engineer in 2023
  1. Start by gaining a solid understanding of the fundamentals of computer science and programming. This could involve taking courses or reading books on topics like data structures, algorithms, and software design.
  2. Learn the programming languages and technologies commonly used for back-end development. This could include languages like Python, Java, or PHP, as well as frameworks like Django or Laravel.
  3. Build a portfolio of projects that showcase your skills as a back-end engineer. This could involve creating small applications or working on open-source projects to gain experience and improve your skills.
  4. Stay up-to-date with the latest trends and developments in back-end engineering. This could involve following industry blogs and forums, attending conferences, or joining online communities.
  5. Consider getting certified or earning a degree in computer science or a related field. This can help to demonstrate your knowledge and skills to potential employers.
  6. Network with other back-end engineers and professionals in the industry. This could involve attending meetups or joining online communities to learn from others and make connections.
  7. Continuously improve your skills and knowledge by learning new technologies, staying current with industry trends, and taking on challenging projects. This will help you stay competitive and keep growing as a back-end engineer.



Muhammad Ibrahim

A dynamic and technically savvy CS undergraduate with 9 years of experience, and competent Backend developer with extensive experience in Web Development.